Education the only thing which can let you to a path of success . Do you know ? Education is the only word in which all the 5 vowels are present . Education is a key of success but the the people are not taking Education they are showing a formality.  There aim is not success there goal is money only money. They think that the person having  money is successful but think about  labour, tea seller, Hawker etc  they are also earning money Is they are successful in future ?No, because they are earning money by hardwork because they are not educated but you are educated you can earn money by smart work. So, your goal should be your country. Yes I know in today's world money is important but it should not be our first priority . We take Education not only for money the aim of education is to provide us knowledge how much knowledge we get? in our life it should be the question from ourself . Our life should be the memorable thing how we achieve in our life after the end of your life the people,country and whole world should know your name and what you have done in your life .